The Power of the Tamu-k Composite Rabbitry


What is Living Soil really?

As a gardener or farmer, you are always looking for ways to improve your soil and grow healthier plants. Vermicomposting is one answer! It is a fantastic way to add beneficial aerobic microbial diversity to any growing media. Vermicomposting is made by worms as they eat their way through organic material such as food scraps and leaves. Ultimately, CREATING NATURAL AMENDMENTS for your plant life. We love our soil! Best of all it is FREE and reduces landfill waste!

The Wonderful World of Beneficial Insects

Beneficial Insects play a vital role in Living Soil Productions operations because they play a vital role in Earth’s ecosystem. No creature on our planet creates better living soil than the insects, grubs, and worms that live there. They help to control pests, pollinate plants, decompose organic matter, and last but not least FISHING BAIT. Insects provide a valuable source of food for our livestock. Composting worms and other beneficial insects are essential for creating healthy soil. That’s why it’s so important to encourage these helpful critters in your garden or farm!

The Power of the Tamu-k Composite Rabbitry

Considering raising rabbits? Tamu-k Composite Rabbits are an excellent meat source for our micro-farm. They are relatively easy and cost efficient to raise and provide a natural fertilizer for your garden soil. Tamu-k rabbits are a hardy breed that do well in a variety of climates. They have a reputation for being good mothers and producing healthy litters. If you’re looking for a magic poop machine, look no further than our Tamu-k Composite Rabbits!


At Living Soil Productions, we are passionate about helping our community grow their own food. We believe that everyone should have access to fresh, nutritious produce, and that begins with healthy soil. That’s why we’re excited to announce our greenhouse project! We have a greenhouse under construction currently. LSP is planning to build several raised square foot garden beds and hopefully soon start teaching classes on-site for our community to grow their own food.

Living Soil Productions: Natural Soil Amendments

If you’re serious about creating healthy, nutrient-rich soil, then you need to consider using Living Soil Amendments. Our amendments have a variety of uses for gardeners, landscapers, and greenhouse growers. Our Living Soil amendments are naturally derived from our micro-farm animals.

We are currently working on bringing several products to market with Living Soil Productions Amendments. Here is a list of some of the things that we are currently working on:

“A Living Soil Blend, Bio-Char, Vermicastings, Vermicompost, Composting Worms, Beneficial Insect Frass, Compost, Compost Tea Kits, Vermicompost Tea Kits, onsite and online classes.”

Are there two kinds of Composting?

Yes, here at Living Soil Productions we embrace the two different types of composting: Aerobic Composting aka “Hot Composting” and Anaerobic Composting aka “Cold Composting”. Aerobic Composting is when oxygen is present, and Anaerobic Composting is when oxygen is not present.

Aerobic Composting is the most common type of composting. It is done with a mixture of green and brown materials, and it requires oxygen in order to break down these materials. The advantage of Aerobic Composting is that it is faster than Anaerobic Composting. The disadvantage of Aerobic Composting is that it can produce odors if not managed properly. They are both great methods which we use on our micro-farm to deliver you the best products possible. Don’t know where to begin? No worries, we are here to help!


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